Jo Jingles offers fun, interactive music, singing and movement classes for preschool children…
With the help of our cheery mascot doll ‘Jo’ our specially trained and experienced class teachers run the most popular and established music and movement classes across the UK, Ireland and now Australia!
Lasting 30 to 45 minutes, our structured and interactive music and movement classes offer a fantastic educational activity for children from three months to five years of age.
He is extremely friendly and actively participates in all of our classes. At the
start of each session he welcomes all children with a smile, a wave and a cuddle.
Then he might sing or dance or pretend to be a train driver, a monkey or even a teapot.
Sometimes he hides and we have to look for him. Sometimes he falls asleep and he
needs some help to wake up. Sometimes he is shy and we have to encourage him to join
in with the fun. But he always makes time for plenty of hugs and kisses when it’s
time for the children to say goodbye.
Thank you so much for all the pleasure you have brought to Phoebe through Jo Jingles. I hear via her childminder how much she loves it and she sings all the time at home.
We will endeavour to keep up her love of music that you have started for her. We hope Jo Jingles continues to go from strength to strength. Thanks again.
Christie and Jim Hooper
Just a note to say thank you for the last 4 years of Jo Jingles with Hannah.
Just a note to say thank you for the last 4 years of Jo Jingles with Hannah. From 6 months old she has loved every minute of your classes and I shall very much miss doing Jo Jingles with her. Here's to another 4 years with Emilia.
Claire Boss
Thank you so much for all the fun you have given Ava at Jo Jingles, she has totally loved it!
It was pleasure to attend your classes, the girls have had so much fun and learnt a lot as well. We will miss you all, Tuesdays will not be the same anymore.
Ravinder, Chloe & Kara
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Due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation and guidelines provided by the Government and Public Health England* ( & all other relevant Regional Public Health agencies) our customers and class teacher safety and well-being is absolutely paramount.
Sadly, in view of the most recent news and recommendations Jo Jingles classes are now TEMPORARILY CLOSED in ALL areas.
However, you can still enjoy Jo Jingles @ Home – many of our Jingle areas are now offering fun online music sessions so contact your local Jo Jingles representative for further details either via Facebook or
If there’s not one available in your area at this time do take a look online to see where you can join another online session in our Network
During this very difficult time we want to support families at home and provide some musical fun and entertainment for children.
If you would like to also stock up on musical goodies to accompany the sessions visit Jo’s Shop at – it’s business as usual, at this time, for all online orders received.
This situation is evolving rapidly, and we will keep you updated if things change but in the meantime we are continuing to follow all necessary health and safety guidelines.
We’ll also shortly be announcing some NEW and exciting Jingle products too!
We will really miss all of our lovely ‘jinglers’ but hope to see you & all your friends again very soon,
A huge THANK YOU for your ongoing support.
Keep safe and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.